Fee Forecast

Developed by smartsoftware, the Fee Forecasting module provides a data-table to forecast future billings on active projects, and pipeline opportunities.

Active listings can be filtered for data entry by project leader, principal, practice, company as required for commercial accountability.

This forecast data can be compared with planned effort from VantagePoint Project Planning to identify areas of under and overcapacity expressed graphically. Additionally, this data table is downloadable for manipulation in MS Excel (if required).

The module also facilitates a three-way comparison of revenue with budget, forecast and planning data which can be simply incorporated into a graphical dashboard report for convenient management review.

Using the billing forecast data, accumulated client and project accounts receivable “collection days” history, and accumulated debtor balance, the Fee Forecast module can be further extended to provide a cash receipt forecast. Forecast periods can be filtered by week, month and year. A “what-if” function can be applied to this cash flow receipting based on optional actions to accelerate accounts receivable days.

Mine existing planning data in Deltek Vantagepoint to forecast future revenue using this enhanced fee forecasting tool. Extend further to see the impact on cash flow receipting.


Developed by smartsoftware, a Deltek partner, the Fee Forecasting module provides a data-table to forecast future billings on active projects. Active listings can be filtered for data entry by project leader, principal, practice, company as required for commercial accountability.

Key Features

Fee/Billing Forecast Table enhancement for Deltek Vantagepoint Projects’

Key Features

Fee/Billing Forecast Table enhancement for Deltek Vantagepoint Projects’

Key Features

Forecast Billing compared with Planned Effort

This forecast data can be compared with planned effort from VantagePoint Project Planning to provide graphical reporting and downloadable summary data tables for manipulation in MS Excel (if required).

Revenue budget data can also be incorporated into this reporting for comparative purposes.

Key Features

Extension – Cash Flow Receipting Forecast with “What-If” Functionality

Using the billing forecast data, accumulated client and project accounts receivable “collection days” history, and accumulated debtor balance, the Fee Forecast module can be further extended to provide a cash receipt forecast. Forecast periods can be filtered by week, month and year. A “what-if” function can be applied to this cash flow receipting based on optional actions to accelerate accounts receivable days.

Key Features

Extension – Cash Flow Receipting Forecast with “What-If” Functionality

Using the billing forecast data, accumulated client and project accounts receivable “collection days” history, and accumulated debtor balance, the Fee Forecast module can be further extended to provide a cash receipt forecast. Forecast periods can be filtered by week, month and year. A “what-if” function can be applied to this cash flow receipting based on optional actions to accelerate accounts receivable days.

Please view the Fee Forecast Demo video below.



Deltek Vantagepoint brings people, engagements and technology together via a single project command center, giving you visibility into productivity and profitability from one place.

Deltek Vantagepoint is an intuitive, powerful solution that puts your projects and people at the center of your business. It gives you a complete view of your company in a single place so you can be more efficient, productive and profitable. With client, project and financial details at your fingertips, you can make better, more informed decisions.